Charitable Giving

Anonymous 6 years ago in Innovative Ideas / Employee Engagement 0

Develop a program where the City would match employee contributions to chartable organizations up to a certain maximum dollar amount. City match would be limited to pre-approved charitable organizations that are located in Elk Grove or provide services to Elk Grove residents. Alternatively, develop a program where an employee "community giving" committee could be formed to select a charitable program or project for the year (or more frequently) that would encourage employee participation through volunteering and/or financial contributions with a City match.

This program would encourage employees to actively engage with the community and give back to local charitable organizations. The program could improve employee morale and develop good will with the community.
Roll Out:
Would need to verify with legal the ability to offer a City match. If approved, form a committee to develop the program and policies. Employees could be notified of the program through CM newsletter and other Citywide communications.